Thursday, March 1, 2012

Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep

After seeing Meryl Streep win her third Academy Award on Sunday night and give such a moving and humbling speech I have new respect for her and her talent.

I was there when Meryl won her first Oscar in the category of Supporting Actress for 1979's "Kramer Vs. Kramer" where she played the wife opposite Dustin Hoffman battling for the custody of their young son. This was her second nomination as she had been nominated in the same category in 1978 for "The Deer Hunter:.  I was 16 so the subject matter wasn't much of a draw for me but we went to movies back then just to go to movies.  It was a good movie and she was good in it so young and really still a new face.  Dustin won an Oscar, Meryl won an Oscar and the film won best picture. At the time I didn't think much of it.

In the following years very short years Meryl Streep was every where on the screen, and in 1982 she was nominated for her lead role in "Sophie's Choice".  Still at this time we didn't have the media like we do today, the hype for movies was more subdued yet I remember the buzz when this movie hit and it all had to do with Meryl.  Based on a novel by I believe William Styron it is a haunting story about a Holocaust survivor and the choice she had to make and the horror of life that followed.  A hard film to watch at times it also starred Kevin Kline, and Peter McNichol.  

Come Oscar time it was a contest between Meryl and another blonde Jessica Lange who had broken away from the remake of "King Kong" to the gritty bio "Frances" detailing the life of 30's actress Frances Farmer.  Meryl ultimately won Best Actress and Lange also picked up an Oscar that night for her supporting role in "Tootsie".

Following her win for "Sophies Choice" Meryl worked non stop for the next three decades in big epics, "Out of Africa", bio-pics "Silkwood", Dramas ""A Cry In the Dark", comedies "Death Becomes Her".  She has never not worked and racked up 14 more nominations in 29 years it was rare not to see her name on the nominees list in a year when she had pictures released.  Of those fourteen nominations only one was in the Supporting Actress category all others were in the best actress category.  

In 2009 Meryl was nominated in ''Julie and Julia" in the role of beloved chef Julia Child.  Meryl's 
transformation was spot on and many thought the role would bring her third Oscar to no avail a little movie entitled "The Blind Side" starring Sandra Bullock got in the way.  That night when Sandra won and thanked Meryl in her speech no one beamed more than Meryl. 

I was one who always poo pooed Meryl winning another Oscar she already had two did she really need another?  Last Sunday I had to agree with the Academy yes she does deserve another and she got it.  Was it strictly of "The Iron Lady" I doubt it was for the nearly 30 years of wonderful performances on film that she has given us.  I thought Viola Davis of "The Help" was going to win however in retrospect it seemed that in the weeks leading up to the Awards Ms. Davis got a bit uppity about beating Meryl and I think offended some voters with her bravado.  Had she waited until all ballots had been signed sealed and delivered things may have had a different outcome.

I for one am happy for Meryl Streep.  Never her greatest fan but very appreciative of her roles I applaud her win and yes i think she really, really deserves it.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The 2011 Academy Awards

The 2011 Academy Awards

The films of 2011 offered a much wider and more exciting array of performances than the previous year 2010 did.  I was so unenthused by last years nominations that I kind of ignored the whole Oscar season, also I can't stand Natalie Portman and that wacky film "Black Swan" was so totally whacked.  Anyway here are my picks and predictions for this years winners.

Supporting Actor:
Kenneth Branagh- My Week with Marilyn
Jonah Hill- Moneyball
Nick Nolte- Warrior
Christopher Plummer- Beginners
Max Von Sydow- Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

This category is notorious for rewarding long distinguished careers, soon that note I pick and predict that Christopher Plummer will win for his performance as a widower getting in touch with his newly found gay side.  His career has spanned six decades and is best known for his turn as Captain Von trap in "The Sound of Music.

Supporting Actress:
Berenice Bejo- The Artist
Jessica Chastain- The Help
Melissa McCarthy- Bridesmaids
Janet McTeer- Albert Nobbs
Octavia Spencer- The Help

This category on the other hand often rewards free new faces of the younger up and coming generation.  My prediction is Octavia Spencer who plays maid Minny in "The Help" a film that should win a number of  Oscars.  My pick is for "Bridesmaids" bawdy big girl Melissa McCarthy who is just such a breath of fresh air.

Lead Actor:
Demian Bichir- A Better Life
George Clooney- The Descendants
Jean Dujardin- The Artist
Gary Oldman- Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Brad Pitt- Moneyball

Here they say it's a two man race between Clooney, and DeJardin.  I wouldn't count Brad Pitt out just yet.  My pick and prediction are with Dejardin of "The Artist"  I would have picked his co-star Uggie the Jack Russell but he wasn't nominated.

Lead Actress:
Glenn Close- Albert Nobbs
Viola Davis- The Help
Rooney Mara- The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo
Meryl Streep- The Iron Lady
Michelle Williams- My Week With Marilyn

My pick from the start in this very tight race has been Michelle Williams whom I have ben a fan of since her days on "Dawson's Creek".  This may not be her year but she will win sooner or later, her talent is that big.  So now my prediction it's between perennial nominee Meryl Streep and second time nominee Octavia Spencer.  I predict Octavia will squeak out the win because "The Help" has been both a commercial and critical success and her role is the center piece of the movie.  Meryl is also the centerpiece of "The Iron Lady" but that's all there is the movie itself is not all that good.  Meryl does great roles in not so great movies remember "Julie and Julia" where she was delightful as Julia Child same issue great performance middling movie at best.

Best Picture:

Having nine nominees is rather sill, let's bring it back down to five and call it a day!  All films nominated are worthy contenders but I see this as a three way race.  "The Artist" a homage to Hollywood's silent era, "Hugo" Marin Scorsese' homage to the magic of the movies, and "The Descendants a modern day turn on life as we know it. I pick and predict that "THe Artist" will prevail.  It would however be cool to see "The Help" totally upset the apple cart and win!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Whitney Houston 1963-2012

Whitney Houston 1963-2012

It was shock this evening when I returned home from a long day at work to learn from the TV that pop superstar Whitney Houston was dead at 48.  Reports say she was found at the Beverly Hills Hilton, in a fourth floor room unresponsive. Paramedics were unable to revive her.  How very sad was it unexpected I don't know, after the whole circus surrounding Michael Jackson's untimely demise in 2009 I guess nothing surprises me.  Her behavior and demeanor over the last decade have certainly  made us all wonder.... what the #$(@!% is up with Whitney Houston.  She was no longer the Queen of Pop a title she seemed to hold since the early 80's when she blew onto the music charts with a one of a kind powerhouse voice that kept her at the top of the entertainment world well into the nineties.

It was then after hit after hit on the music charts, a string of so-so movies including "The Bodyguard" a film that makes me vomit, "The Preacher's Wife" an all black remake of a Loretta Young classic, and one other one about black women with empowerment issues...... yawn, that things got sketchy for Ms. Houston oh and she also married thug singer Bobby Brown around this time.  He was the driver that propelled her career south way sour like South America south. Drugs, Alcohol, Drugs, loser husband in and out of jail, drugs, booze, pills, domestic abuse, a bad make that very bad reality show, an over weight daughter, pills, booze, sweaty I mean dripping wet sweaty public performances with no knowledge of lyrics it goes on and on.  A once beloved entertainer became a running joke in the industry and no one stepped in to help. Not family, not friends, not Dear Aunty Dionne Warwick she was to busy with her own drug issues and her psychic friends hotline.  No one said 'Hey Miss Whitney you're a coked up, booze swilling mess, you need help!'  Not even mentor and world renowned music producer and fossil Clive Davis lifted a finger.  Well today Whitney became the latest on a long list of gone to soon.

A view I have always had as a contemporary of those who rose to fame in the eighties, ( I was in the mix) is that there were three main musical icons that came from the decade.  Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, and Madonna.  Sure there were many other big names from the eighties, but these three were the big three.  Anyway all three careers intertwined Michael was the King of Pop, he was adored by all, he was also a freakin' weirdo, Whitney was the Queen of Pop, with a voice that could move mountains, open seas, and do no wrong, or so we thought.  Hmmmm and then there was Madonna, a cheesy slut from Detroit who had a mediocre voice, and an uncanny knack for setting fashion trends with each new vocal release, she was the bad girl, the neighborhood nasty girl.  Well well how things have worked out thirty years later.  Michael is dead, Whitney is dead both due to bad life choices whether direct or indirect. Pills, booze, Dr. Conrad Murray..... bad choices that lead to premature death.

That leaves the bad girl.  She doesn't seem so bad after all her music may have pushed sexuality in our faces, yes but never have I been aware of any illicit drug fueled orgies with small children, weekend throw downs with ex-lovers, or Airport run ins with the law over a stash of mary-jane in her lipstick tube.  Instead we have a savvy woman in her early 50's that looks fabulous, continues to record and sell music worldwide, has three children, just directed her first movie, did the Superbowl halftime show well, and continues to carry on a feud with the Queen of England, Elton John.  Not bad for a talentless girl from Detroit.

For the record I own no Whitney Houston CD's, I have one Michael Jackson CD, and I have all of Madonna's CD's. I have a collection of over 500 CD's.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Back to the Blog!

In recent days I have received a number of requests to start up my blog that I used to do as part of my MySpace page.  Well MySpace has kind of disappeared at least mine has as Facebook really took over the whole social networking niche.  I do have a Google+ page but rarely seem to get there.  I also twitter but I just can't get the hang of it or should I say I just don't need to share every little thing that goes on in my day.  I sometimes don't even comment on Facebook  from day to day. I usually have some mindless piece of pop culture to share but occasionally I just like to see what's going on with others.  So anyway I'll be writing again and sharing my unique insight, opinions (yes I have them) and observances of everyday life on the almighty internet.  Feel free to follow I enjoy an audience!  i chose the title Potatoes...Tomatoes & Pears...Oh My! in honor of my daily life working in the produce patch for the last nine months.  I'm sure I'll delight you with some of my adventures in the jolly old land of fruits and vegetables both the ones we eat, and those we don't