Saturday, February 4, 2012

Back to the Blog!

In recent days I have received a number of requests to start up my blog that I used to do as part of my MySpace page.  Well MySpace has kind of disappeared at least mine has as Facebook really took over the whole social networking niche.  I do have a Google+ page but rarely seem to get there.  I also twitter but I just can't get the hang of it or should I say I just don't need to share every little thing that goes on in my day.  I sometimes don't even comment on Facebook  from day to day. I usually have some mindless piece of pop culture to share but occasionally I just like to see what's going on with others.  So anyway I'll be writing again and sharing my unique insight, opinions (yes I have them) and observances of everyday life on the almighty internet.  Feel free to follow I enjoy an audience!  i chose the title Potatoes...Tomatoes & Pears...Oh My! in honor of my daily life working in the produce patch for the last nine months.  I'm sure I'll delight you with some of my adventures in the jolly old land of fruits and vegetables both the ones we eat, and those we don't

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