Monday, December 16, 2013

Joan Fontaine 1917-2013

Last night just before I turned in for some slumber time I heard of the passing of Academy Award winning actress Joan Fontaine.  This morning on the national news there was a little blurb about her death.  Peter O'Toole also passed this weekend his career had reached into the recent past. Ms.Fontaine was a part of Hollywoods golden age and hadn't done much work since the 1980's. Still I think she's deserving of a bit more than a blurb.

Joan Fontaine is known for two roles in two Alfred Hitchcock films. The first being ''Rebecca" released in 1940 this was Hitchcock's first American film in it Joan plays a young woman who marries a debonair Laurence Olivier and then must compete with the memory of his first wife.  It's a great performance in a great movie that still holds up 74 years after it's release. Nominated for Best Actress Joan lost to Ginger Rogers in ''Kitty Foyle".

The following year Joan again played a young wife in ''Suspicion" this time around she suspects her husband played by Cary Grant is trying to kill her.  There's a great scene along a winding seaside road that is pretty breathtaking.  Joan took the Oscar home this time besting her sister Olivia de Havilland and starting a life long feud.

Acting wasn't Joans only career she was a airline pilot, and an accomplished interior designer.  She lived in the seaside town of Carmel California, the same town Doris Day lives in.  With her passing there are very few left from an age when Hollywood stars were true royalty, her sister is alive and living in Paris at the age of 97 no word yet on whether she will attend any funeral or memorial service. I'd love to be there if she does!  Rest in peace Miss Joan Fontaine.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

My Top Five People of 2013

December 11, 2013

So Time Magazine announced today that Pope Francis is their choice for Person of the Year 2013.  He's a good choice he seems pretty with it, pretty keen on the world we live in, not the usual stuffed shirt that is so intense and afraid of the real lives people live.  It's time that the Catholic Church gets real and accepts all the people of the world and not just the one's that they think matter.  Maybe Francis is the catalyst for this to actually start happening and that's a good thing.  Plus he only has one kidney and that's a unique thing too.

Now for my choices for the Top 5 People of 2013

Number 5............... Carrie Underwood

All I can say is you go girl!  All this crabbing about her lack of acting chops in NBC's live presentation of "The Sound of Music'' has been ridiculous.  She's handled it quite well I think by merely stating that mean people need Jesus or something dang cute like that.  I for one think the naysayers need to step back and realize that this wasn't a remake of the 1965 movie but a new production of the 1959 stage musical.  Modern musical theatre coniseurs need to realize that in 1959 there were not the special effect laden productions like ''Wicked''  "Phantom'' ''The Lion King'' etc. etc. etc.  Back in the day it was simple a story with a wholesome angle, a bushel of easy to remember
songs and that was it throw in a Broadway star and you had a hit musical.  I give Ms. Underwood kudos for taking on the project and giving it her all.  NBC has already announced that they plan on another musical in 2014. May I suggest Justin Bieber in ''Oliver'' just saying.......!

Number 4................ Duck Dynasty

I really thought this show was a new version of the classic nighttime sudser from the 80's ''Dynasty''
so I tuned in expecting Joan Collins, Linda Evans, and Heather Locklear chewing up the scenery and scratching out each others eyes.  Boy was I wrong.  These people look like they grow the scenery and then eat it.  Anybody ever hear of a razor?  After 48 seconds I switched to Honey Boo Boo and never went back.  

Number 3............... Diver Tom Daley

Cute as a button British Diver.  Earns medal in last Olympics, comes out of the locker room as gay.  Wears a Speedo very well and is so easy on the eyes.  Enough said.

Number 2............. Miley Cyrus

The former Hannah Montana is now a bonafide pop culture icon.  I don't care what anybody says this girl can sing and sing very, very well.  She's a beautiful gal who has taken the world by storm in a whirlwind of sexually charged antics and performances to the constant outcry from her populace.  Bravo girl!  I think she knows what she's doing and twerking all the naysayers along the way.  Keep up the outlandish, outrageous, over the top domination of the entertainment world.  The next Lindsay
Lohan?   I highly doubt it Miss Miley seems way to smart for that.

Number 1................ The Cast of American Horror Story  Coven

The best ensemble on TV this season or any season past or present lead by three leading ladies with a Hollywood pedigree to die for.  There's a lot dying being done on the series but it never lasts very long

Jessica Lange
Kathy Bates
Angela Bassett

Looking forward to see who steps to the plate in 2014!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I'mmmmmm Baaaaaaaaack!

Good Lord I haven't blogged since March 1st of 2012.  I haven't been any where I guess I just let it slip away I guess that happens well I'm back at it and I'm hoping to stick with it on a regular basis this time around.

Since the last time I was here I've turned 50 and 51 and become a member of AARP...... don't laugh they offer some pretty nice discounts and offers for members I don't need their Medicare supplement insurance yet but hey I'll take discounts on my cell phone, car rentals etc plus Marlo Thomas usual writes a little something in the free magazine.

I've also had some pretty major dental work done.  I let dental care go from very good as a child and teenager to non existent for the last almost 30 years.  It wasn't like my teeth were falling out or anything nasty like that I had always had good teeth, never needed braces, had cavities but not tons of them, but over the many years of no expert care they suffered. With the prompting and prodding of my Sisters Leslie and Jenny I bit the bullet and made an appointment to see the Dentist that they've been seeing.  For the initial exam, X-rays and cleaning it was 75 dollars.  Leslie even paid for it which was nice.  I arrived at Dr. Steckbauer's ( I know same name... a cousin from the Antigo branch of the family.) practice not knowing what to expect.  The staff was nice, very young and friendly I was given a tour..... got a nice blankets a welcome gift and then hit the chair.

My dental hygienist  Amanda introduced herself and started the initial exam, small talk ensued, she talked I just made noises as I had two hands in my mouth, X-rays were taken all  digital no need for the 200 lbs. lead blanket, back to the chair when all was said and done my teeth were declared in very good shape including my 4 perfectly aligned wisdom teeth that I didn't the I even had.  I had just one new cavity............. get out after all these years just one cavity well it was in one of the wisdom teeth so ok I'll take it.  My gums on the other hand were in pretty bad shape I didn't have gingivitis I had full blown periodontal disease not horrible but bad enough that I would need further treatment.  More on that in a bit.  Dr Steckbauer finally made an appearance to examine my teeth not so much the gums Amanda had that covered.  Even though I only had one new cavity I had several old ones that needed to be replaced okay no biggie I have decent insurance.  Back to the gums two treatments available laser surgery for $7000 out of pocket, scaling and planing $700 out of pocket.  I'll get back to you on that!

Anyway by the end of summer my old cavities had been replace, new cavity was filled and fine and gums were returning to a healthy state.  I now have a water pik and do my gums twice a day, an electric toothbrush that works very nice and is used at least twice a day, the bleeding is no more and I need to have cleanings done every three months.  I'm just glad I have my oral health back in line, it was painful, very painful but worth it.  Speaking of cleaning I have an appointment next week!

The other big change has been with my weight I don't own a scale probably never will but I have lost about 50 pounds.  Yippee!  No drastic diet, nothing real special at all. Just Bulimia.  Just kidding that's what I tell people!  I don't do fast food very often maybe once every six weeks, I eat what I've always eaten.  I don't drink beer like I used to and that's a real big part of it I still partake but not as often as I used to. My job is also much more  physical and that burns the calories and fat what little is left of it.  It's nice to have to buy new slacks with a 34 or 36 inch waist rather than 40 know what I mean?  

So those are the major events since last time.  I'll start being catty and out spoken i my next few postings I promise.  I'm still working with fruits and veggies at Walmart.  Rizzo is still my right hand four legged best Buddy and I still have  a healthy appetite for Pop Culture and all it entails!